Tillamook Oceanside Transmission Line

Project Completed: In Progress

Tillamook PUD

When the Tillamook People’s Utilities District (TPUD) identified a need for a new overhead 115kV transmission line to connect its existing Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) substation in Tillamook to a new (proposed) substation in Oceanside, they approached our team to conduct a timber cruise and valuation to assist with property acquisition for the transmission line corridor and new substation site. The transmission line corridor was proposed to span over industrial timberlands along Oregon’s coast, and it was quickly realized that the new corridor could impact timber harvesting activities in this area. TPUD tasked AKS with evaluating potential impacts to future timber harvesting activities adjacent to the new transmission line and estimating any increased costs that may need to be considered during property acquisition negotiations. The transmission line corridor traverses various ownerships that had to be negotiated individually, so AKS prepared timber cruise and valuation reports and timber harvest impact analysis for each ownership.

Image of a Tax Map with lines showing contours, timber harvest areas, reserve areas, and streams


In July 2022, our team submitted a timber cruise and valuation report for the proposed 6-acre substation site, impressing TPUD with our attention to detail and timely delivery. They approached us again a month later to conduct a timber cruise and valuation for the 4.3 miles of transmission line corridor proposed over industrial timberlands.

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Timber Harvest Impact Analysis
The analysis began with identifying the factors that impact the economics of a timber harvest operation that could be affected by the proposed transmission line, such as harvest system type, average yarding distance, new road and landing construction, and land that may no longer be practicable to harvest. Conceptual harvest plans for the affected area were then prepared for pre- and post-transmission line scenarios and compared to determine the differences in these factors. The differences in the economic factors between the pre- and post-transmission line scenarios represent the impacts the proposed transmission line would have on timber harvesting activities—providing a more accurate picture of the impact on timberland owners. Once our team had identified and quantified these impacts, we could estimate the value of any increased costs. Professional reports were compiled and submitted, which proved instrumental during the necessary property and easement acquisition negotiations with impacted timberland owners.